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We offer educational daily programs at 10 AM and 3:30 PM Tuesday-Friday and pop up programs are offered on the weekends. Access to our Daily Programs are included with admission on a first come, first serve basis. 

While our programs are prepared and facilitated by educators, we strongly encourage caregiver participation to create a more lasting experience for your child.

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Tuesdays at 10 AM & 3:30 PM

Your little marine biologists will explore the sea and its inhabitants through hands-on activities, experiments, crafts, and more! We’ll discover fascinating facts about sea creatures, dive into ocean themed art projects, and conduct experiments. Sea Stars is recommended for kids ages 4+. 

Children in Science Class

Wednesdays at 10 AM

Calling all curious kiddos! Teaching children about science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (S.T.E.A.M.) is a great way for children to learn about the scientific process and to develop their critical thinking skills. Together we examine and learn more about our fascinating world. Come explore, play, investigate, and try new things in Full STEAM Ahead! This program is recommended for ages 4+.

Kids Painting

Wednesdays at 3:30 PM

Come get creative at Crafty Kids! We will use a variety of tools and mediums, upcycle and recycle, and celebrate the seasons throughout the year. Crafty Kids is recommended for ages 4+.

Eating Watermelon

Begin with a story, then add a fun snack! This program connects literacy and cooking. Each week we'll get creative with 'cooking' based on a favorite storybook.
This program is recommended for ages 3+.

StoryCooks is sponsored by Harris Teeter.


Geared for ages 4+, Nature Navigators focuses on exploring all things nature. You can find our educators outside whenever weather permits! Adventures vary from crafts to hands-on learning and everything in between. 

Kids Playing with Lego

Join us for sensory based activities for our youngest visitors (ages 1-3) and their caregivers. Little learners will create, play, and explore! From early art experiences to gross motor play to sensory activities--enjoy a variety of ways to encourage your young child's learning and discovery!

Kids Blowing Bubbles

Join us at Sci Fri to participate in simple, kid-friendly science activities! We will ask questions, test ideas, and investigate our world through play as we lay the stepping-stones for later scientific understanding and skills. Activities range from hands-on projects to engaging demonstrations and is recommended for ages 4+. 

Thursdays at 10 AM

Thursdays at 3:30 PM

Fridays at 10 AM

Fridays at 3:30 PM

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Labor Day - Memorial Day: Mondays CLOSED
Memorial Day - Labor Day: Mondays 9 AM - 5 PM
Tuesday - Saturday  9 AM - 5 PM
Sunday 1 PM - 5 PM

116 Orange St. 
Wilmington NC, 28401

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CMoW is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

© 2024 by The Children's Museum of Wilmington 

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