Tuesday - Saturday: 9am - 5pm
Sunday: 1pm - 5pm
The Museum itself does not have its own parking lot. There are, however, several parking options.
Along Orange Street, along the sidewalk directly in front of the Museum, there is free parking for two hours. First come, first serve!
There is meter parking in front of the Museum along Orange Street. These meters accept credit cards as well as quarters, dimes, and nickels or you can use the app https://www.paybyphone.com/.
The Hannah Block USO paid parking lot is located across the street from the Museum.
The Second Street paid parking lot is 1.5 blocks from the Museum.
The closest parking deck to the Museum is located on Market Street between 2nd and Front St. and the first 90 minutes are free. The free to ride Port City Trolley (operated by Wave Transit) can pick you up and drop you off at the corner of Front St. and Orange St. just a half block away from the Museum.
There is also free parking on several streets in the downtown area. Visit the City of Wilmington's website for more information about downtown Wilmington parking.
The Museum is accessible from most downtown bus stops. The closest Wave Transit bus stop is located on the corner of Front St. and Ann St. about 800 feet from the Museum main entrance. Click here to access Bus Routes, Schedules, and Maps.
The Port City Trolley is a FREE service offered by Wave Transit. The closest trolley stop is located at the corner of Front St. and Orange St about 295 feet from the Museum main entrance. Click here to access the Port City Trolley Route and Schedule.
Click here to download the free downtown Trolley schedule.
access from the bus stop
Accessible parking

The nearest marked accessible parking spaces for patrons with a valid accessible parking license plate or hanging tag are in the Hannah Block USO paid parking lot located at 118 S. 2nd St.
Patrons with valid accessible parking license plates or hanging tags may also park for free at any on-street metered space for an unlimited time. Residential restricted permitted streets are excluded.
Our team at The Children’s Museum of Wilmington believes in the power of every child learning through play. That is why we strive to accommodate the needs of all guests by providing financial, physical, emotional, and intellectual access in a welcoming and safe environment. We are continually learning and collaborating with local communities who support us in this mission. For accommodations, questions, or comments, please contact us at 910-254-3534 ext. 106! Learn more about our accessibility here.